05 June 2010

Wish Me Luck!

I'm blitzing authority-types in my life with my bubbly, seductive personality (does that work on your parents, you think?) for a self-obtained Playstation Portable for use on our 20-hour trip tot Texas. Right now the battle looks grim, but not grim enough for me to kick the bucket just yet.

First game? Either CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- or DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY. Oh, and the fact I'll be able to play FINAL FANTASY VII and Metal Gear Solid on the go? Eff yeah.


  1. How about Breath of Fire III or Metal Gear Ac!d?

  2. it certainly works on me~


  3. So, what, you're charming your way to a PSP?
    Nice, that's what I always do when I want something. (If you don't believe me I'll have you know I can be VERY charming if I just want to :P)

    Anyway, PSOne Classics on the go are one of the PSP's selling points. Considering your love for JRPG's, I'd recommend getting the Star Ocean games and Tales of Eternia. Oh, also the original Final Fantasies.

    (Hope you get one~)

  4. Good Luck :)

    I can suggest some more games if you want ^^

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oops, didn't mean to delete that...
    Anyway, here is what I posted:

    I would recommend Dissidia over Crisis Core. Of course, I don't own a PSP... :P

    [stalker]What part of Texas are you going to?[/stalker]


Phoenix Life Old-School